Mastitis… help!

Ever had Mastitis? It can make the experience of motherhood a painful one.
In Chinese medicine theory the Liver plays an important role in breastmilk supply. Stress impacts the ‘liver’ which can no longer help ‘Qi’ flow in the body. This leads to difficulty with the flow of breastmilk and is a cause of mastitis.
In western medicine, mastitis is an inflammation of the breast due to blocked milk ducts which can lead to infection. While some mamas will need antibiotics to help them through Mastitis, there are natural approaches that may help too.
Read on for some of our favourite tips that may help.
- The number one thing is to keep feeding your little one. Feed, feed, feed! This will help clear your milk ducts. Use hot showers or hot compresses 15-20 minutes before feeding and massage your breast to encourage the flow of milk. After feeding use a cold compress to help with any pain and swelling.
- Keep some cabbage leaves in the fridge. Cabbage leaves will help to soothe mastitis symptoms. Bliss!
- Try a turmeric compress. Turmeric has anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties. A study in 2014 found that the topical application of turmeric reduced the pain and redness associated with mastitis.
- Increase your intake of Vitamin C. Vitamin C naturally helps to fight infections and boosts your immune system. Good sources include kiwis, kale, parsley, blackcurrants and strawberries.
- Take a good quality probiotic containing the strands Lactobacillius fermentum and Lactobacillus salivarius. These are thought to protect against breast infections and mastitis.
- Acupuncture or acupressure may help to clear blocked milk ducts. Try massaging the the outside of your little finger where the skin meets the nail. This is an acupressure point called SI1 that is traditionally used to help keep milk ducts clear.