Our Story
Where we came from
Intelligent Health was born from a passion to help mums thrive postpartum. Like all good stories ours begins with two life long friends - One a yoga loving corporate warrior and the other a Doctor of Chinese Medicine. Both having their own personal journeys reaching motherhood, they decided that it would be great to share their experience and create products they would like to have as mums and couldn’t find anywhere else.
As a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Georgina could see in her practice how much Traditional Chinese Medicine helped women in their fertility, pregnancy and postpartum journey.
Anita was battling with her own fertility and health issues and was fortunate to have Georgina on call to help her on her path to motherhood. There was nothing readily available that could help all women on their motherhood journey.
From this knowledge and need, the idea of Intelligent Health was born.
Intelligent Health, or HQ as we like to call it, took over 3 years of evidence-based research, product development, sourcing ingredients from all over the globe to meticulous standards and testing to become a reality. We created our products specifically for mums, formulating them based on the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese medicine and evidence based nutrition. We only use high quality 100% natural and organic wholefood ingredients to fuel and nourish your body. We hope you love our products as much as we do.
We are HQ for Mums
There is IQ and EQ to measure intelligence but no HQ for Health Intelligence. So we thought let’s create one, and HQ or Intelligent Health was born.
The idea for Intelligent Health to help mums thrive began with the birth of Georgina’s baby. As a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Georgina was used to working in clinical practice to support women through pregnancy and new motherhood. She thought ‘I’ve got this’ but having a baby herself was a whole different story. Her birth went to plan but it was after birth she was unprepared for. Overwhelmed by hormones, people telling her how to feed, when to feed, how to settle a baby, her baby not putting on enough weight plus a crying baby and feeling tired, anxious and emotional, made Georgina look to her Chinese Medicine roots for answers.
Traditional cultures have a long history of caring for new mums postpartum. In Chinese culture and Traditional Chinese medicine it's called ‘the golden month’. Nourishing food and herbs, nurturing, rest and support are important during this time to ensure a new mum recovers and builds their strength postpartum so they are able to bond and care for their baby.
Looking for something nutritious that would help support healing, nutrients from the meals she was skipping, boost her milk supply and help with the rollercoaster of hormones and emotions - she couldn’t find anything. There were herbs, teas, protein powders, biscuits or synthetic vitamins but she couldn’t find a one stop shop that was food based, nutritious and 100% natural. Drawing on her clinical experience and knowledge as a Chinese Medicine Doctor, she took an evidence based approach and, with the help of a nutritionist, Post Birth Vitality was born.
Post Birth Vitality